Data Entry Jobs Minnesota

data entry jobs minnesota
Where do I find a long-term career opportunity?

I have 2 years in the administrative field. I don’t have a degree, all skills were aquired with on the job experience. I want a stable, long-term career opportunity. I have used many Temporary agencies and all they provide are short term jobs. A few job titles I have held are Document Processor, Data Entry Clerk, Administrative Assistant. Does anyone know of any great companies in the Minnesota Area that Are looking to hire?

Check out the largest companies in your area. Go directly to their websites and look at job openings. So many companies don’t advertise, but only use their own websites – it’s a savings for them on fees, etc. Look for a place thats large – corporate – that will have good benefits. Read the business section of your local paper because it will talk about the large corporations. You have a better chance of moving to different areas of the company once your skills improve and can keep growing.

Good luck!

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