New Online Business

new online business
What ways are there to attract new prospects to your online business?

If you are running an online business and struggling to recruit new customers or distributors, what methods are there to improve this ?

A lot of the answers you have received so far are pretty good answers but they are missing the mark. Whether it’s a online business or a brick and mortar business you need to get the word out. One of the best ways for you to grow the retail side of your business is to talk to people. This may sound simple, but the reality of it is this. By going to your friends, family and past co-workers and your general sphere of influence you have a good opportunity to at least gain them as customers and to develop a source of referrals. On the distributor side, you need to be actively aware of the people around you. Be willing to talk to people as you will be surprised by the number of people who are looking to develop some sort of additional income through a home based business opportunity if that is what you are offering. Read self-improvement books and develop your people skills. If you can only relate to a few people you will be hard pressed to develop your business. Know your business and know it well.

Join the local chamber of commerce and network with other business owners. Join a local networking group as they can provide excellent leads for your retail business as well as potential distributors.

I hope this helps and good luck.

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