Online Data Entry Jobs Websites

online data entry jobs websites
Does anyone know about date entry jobs online and which ones are honestly real and if they really pay?

I’ve searched under Google for data entry online jobs and read about people who researched job scams. The ones they claim are legitimate only has customer service through e-mail and I feel like if they have no phone number than it’s a scam also. I’m tired of being ripped off and I want to make good money but I want it to be for real. I’d hate to waste my time and money again and not get anything. I’ve asked a question like this before and got lots of answers but some of the websites has no phone number to prove to me they really exist. Can someone please help me? you will find all the jobs you want, click for the garenteed pay link, there you will get all the information of all the sites that are listed there, paid surveys and data entry jobs are there, and yes try the free to join sites,

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